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Dismissal Procedure

Dismissal Procedure

All students are dismissed at 3:10 p.m.  Students in Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grades are dismissed from the exterior classroom doors.  3rd grade students are dismissed from the side exit door and will proceed to the front of the building by the gymnasium.   4th and 5th grade students are dismissed from the doors next to the gymnasium.

At the beginning of each school year, parents are asked to complete a Dismissal Form indicating their desired method for dismissal (i.e. walk home, pick-up by parent, etc.) and persons who may pick up their child.  Parents must send a written note to their child’s teacher if someone not indicated on the Dismissal Form is to pick-up their child (grandparent, uncle, aunt, friend, etc.).

If you are unable to pick-up your child after school by 3:10 each day, please request an application for the Knight Care Program.