Morning Drop Off
Students may arrive at school after 8:15 a.m. All students will line-up in designated areas inside the building under the supervision of district staff. Students may enter in the following locations:
Main Entrance – Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd Grades
Gym Entrance – 3rd, 4th & 5th Grades
In the morning, parents may drive through the parking lot where students may quickly exit the passenger side door and proceed into the building. If you prefer to walk your child to the doors or need to drop-off an item in the office, please park on the street. Please remember to pull vehicles all the way forward in the school driveway for our quick drop-off in the morning.
Visitors may park on Berkley Street, Linden St., and Hoffman St. Parking in the school lot is reserved for teachers and staff only.
Please do not double park on the street. Also, please be kind to our neighbors and do not block their driveways.